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Cell phone: 09673567456

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Solar Lighting & Phone Charge Kits

Complete Solar Lights, MP3 & Phone Charger Kits


30w Solar lighting kit
30w Solar lighting kit


Complete solar lighting kits, with 30-watt solar panel, radio, mp3 player, 3 LED bulbs and a phone charger with many plugs

The solar system is designed to run 2 lights for up to 8 hours under normal operating conditions

In protracted rainy weather, the usage will need to be reduced or use an additional charger

Should the battery become completely flat, it will recharge from flat in about 2 days 


Solar lighting kit details
Solar lighting kit details

About 210 of these kits were successfully delivered to the remote Jose Abad Santos barangay in Sarangani in 2018


Please call for us for further information about this product




Solazone shop in Davao: (082) 315 4858

Cell phone: 09673567456

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