Solazone shop in Davao: (082) 315 4858

Cell phone: 09673567456

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Solar Heating & Cooling for the Home

Did you know you can heat & cool your home using Solar.

Solar Heating

Dehumidifier, heater, ventilator & cooler.  Prevents mould, mildew & musty smells, dampness.   Sends free, dry and warm cool air into the building – and is not connected to the main electricity supply.

Solar Ventilation & Cooling

Solar Roof Ventilation and Attic Ventilation.  Powerful home heat extraction without electricity bills or carbon emissions!  Solar Powered Exhaust Fan - No Running cost -Increased comfort -Hundreds of dollars in savings.


Greenhouse heating


Dehumidifier, heater, ventilator & cooler.  Prevents mould, mildew & musty smells, dampness.   Sends free, dry and warm cool air into the building – and is not connected to the main electricity supply.




Solar whiz details


Solar Roof Ventilation and Attic Ventilation.  Powerful home heat extraction without electricity bills or carbon emissions!  Solar Powered Exhaust Fan - No Running cost -Increased comfort -Hundreds of dollars in savings.


Solazone shop in Davao: (082) 315 4858

Cell phone: 09673567456

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